"My experience in [Richard's poetry-writing] group...left me with an abiding respect for his ability as a critic and editor. Richard Garcia has one of the most original minds that I have ever encountered, and is, in my opinion, one of the best poets in the country."
—Charles Harper Webb,
Professor of Creative Writing, CSULB

"After studying how to write poetry since 1968...[at last] my own true voice is now coming forth in my work, [now that I study] with Richard Garcia. I get almost everything I write published now."
—the late Anne Silver, private student
—the late Anne Silver, private student
"Richard Garcia is as talented a teacher as he is a poet. His gracious spirit and guidance have had a major influence on my work. All eighteen poems I wrote in his workshop have been published in respected literary journals like the Harvard Review, Quarterly West, and Shenandoah."
—Rick Bursky, MFA, Warren Wilson College
—Rick Bursky, MFA, Warren Wilson College
"Richard Garcia introduces students to forms without making it the slightest bit intimidating. Attending Richard's workshops is like hanging out on a playground full of words and poetry—I never knew poetry could be THAT fun!"
—Shelley Berger, Poet-in-residence, Children's Hospital Los Angeles
—Shelley Berger, Poet-in-residence, Children's Hospital Los Angeles
"You kept us rapt all day. How do you do that? Now I've turned a corner, and everything is up in the air. Thanks!"
—Peggy Wren, Private Student, Los Angeles
—Peggy Wren, Private Student, Los Angeles
To inquire about taking Richard's private online class,
click here.